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What is UTR number?

The Unique Tax Reference (UTR) is a reference number issued to anyone in the United Kingdom who needs to complete a tax self-assessment. If you submit tax returns to HMRC, you’re likely to need one. If you are self-employed, a sole trader, or you own a limited company, or if you are likely to earn more than 100,000 GBP, you’ll need to know about the unique taxpayer reference number (UTR).

Why is UTR number important?

There are many reasons why you may need to use your Tax reference number i.e. UTR number. For example, you will need your UTR number for the Tax Office to identify your unique account with HMRC.Circumstances where you might need to provide your UTR number:

  • If you work as self employed
  • If you are a director of a company
  • If you are earning more than £100,000 in a tax year
  • If you are a freelancer
  • If you work as a contractor or freelancer

UTR Number and tax code, are they similar?

No, UTR numbers and tax codes are totally different and serve very distinct purposes: HMRC uses a UTR number to uniquely identify you or your company when processing matters like your Self-Assessment form. You might never have needed one of them if you've never worked for yourself, requested a tax refund, or had your own business. Your tax code is a series of numbers and letters that HMRC uses to determine the type of tax-free personal allowance you are eligible for as well as any unique details effecting your financial situation.

What do I need to apply for a UTR number?

  • Name, date of birth, and home address
  • National Insurance Number (NI)
  • Your primary telephone number and email address
  • Your self-employment start date
  • Your company name, location, and line of business
  • Your phone number

How to apply for UTR Number

By clicking on the above, Frontiers Consulting will help you with your application. Furthermore, we will collect a small amount of information and forward this across to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). Additionally, we will deal with your request the same day and will contact you with any feedback. The current waiting time is around four to six weeks. We hope to provide a fast delivery experience at your earliest convenience.
You can also apply UTR by using the following methods:

  • Online self-assessment registration: You must register for self-assessment on the HMRC website before submitting a tax return for the first time, such as after starting a newly formed business. When you do this, a UTR number will automatically be allocated to you and mailed to you in a letter.
  • Apply via phone: Call HMRC at 0300 200 3310 to inquire about your UTR number. They might ask you for certain information, and they might still tell you to submit an online application.
  • Apply via post: You can send a letter to HMRC asking for a UTR number. Please be advised that it will probably take some time because you will probably receive multiple mails requesting different information.

How to find your lost UTR number?

You might need to ask for a lost UTR if you've looked through all the prior letters you've received from HMRC and still can't log into the online HMRC services. e good news is that doing this ought to be rather simple. Calling the Self-Assessment helpdesk at 0300 200 3310 and giving your information, including your National Insurance number is all that is required.